The succeeding speech was given in Eugene, oregon in the course of the Global Marijuana March earlier this fortnight. The author, shelly “FoxLoken”, gave us permission to post it.
Besides, hi everybody and welcome. You should take this seriously. My nickname is Shelley “Fox Loken”. LEAP, lex Enforcement Against Prohibition. Group consists of police judges, officers, supporters, prison officials or prosecutors who understand that the time has come to end this atrocious combat on American citizens who use marijuana.

When I 1st began working as a PO it was 1985 and the drug warfare was merely entering lofty gear. Oftentimes at that time, PO’s were not seen as a police extension departments as they are now. Instead we were primarily counselors who attempted to support criminals know methods to stop committing crimes. The concern was, drug offenders virtually were not criminals, at least that anyone could start with. As a result, they learned criminality to survive in a world that refused to allow them what they wanted, needed and craved. Do you know an answer to a following question. So what should cure” their criminality? As a output, legalize drugs.
Doesn’t it sound familiar? I see it was way too a lot of. Any is too a great deal of. Jail is not a treatment blueprint. A well-known matter of fact that is. Prison does not fix medicinal issues or cure addiction. Jail and prison do not guarantee that anybody don’t have access to drugs and alcohol. Jail and prison for any drug users does nothing to keep any of us safer and it exacerbates the troubles individuals are self medicating for. It’s a well too bad of all, prison destroys lives. Not simply the individual who goes to prison, either. Then, it adversely impacts children, even, the spouses as well as extended household employers. Nonetheless, it mostly destroys the extremely ties that keep individuals productive and fortunate. After we’ve taken away everything, we dump them back out and demand that they behave and comply with conditions that ANY of us are challenged to do. Generaly, sound like a set up for failure? In matter of fact, it was. Methods will often fail.
Besides, it was with the intent assisting others”, when I and somebody else in ordinance enforcement went to this profession. However, while watching police and corrections officers turned out to be corrupt or unethical, right after several years of locking up drug liberties, watching civil rights and offenders be eroded. Now I can try to make MY amends while doing what I can to see the unjust and harmful laws repealed and replaced with sensible regulation.
Furthermore, the warfare on drug users has failed. Of course, there is nobody anywhere who can claim otherwise. The combat on marijuana users though, is about to be won. BY US! We are succeeding since the partnership can no longer be lied driven, to or manipulated to a frenzy of fear by the following whose motives can solely be suspect. Now pay attention please. The collaboration has discovered that marijuana users are not rubbish, scary anybody despite all the propaganda. The collaboration sees marijuana users…their fathers, sisters, lawyers, mothers, plumbers, brothers, doctors and even vehicle mechanics or even food servers Marijuana users are everywhere and anyone sees friends who uses it responsibly. Hookah vape pen. Now pay attention please. The lie is outed, thanks to folks like you.
OSP in I was a guard on a tower and it was yard time. So, being modern and green”, I was pretty upset and called for yard officers to come get them away to segregation. With one swallowing the roach, the inmates continued smoking the joint until the officers were small amount of feet away and put it out. Essentially, did nothing about the rules defiance, the officers broken up the group. Doesn’t it sound familiar? He told me that had, the warden or Hoyt Cupp an unofficial policy of ignoring marijuana use by inmates, when I asked the Sgt in yard charge about it later. Now regarding the aforementioned reason. Reportedly, he felt they were far way easier to deal with when big on weed as opposed to the violent and ‘life threatening’ results of inmates consuming homemade alcohol. Considering the above said. He was a man times ahead.
You should take this seriously. Considering the above said. Savor the solemnization. Keep up the good work as the combat isn’t pretty over yet. Fight for what’s right.
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Nonetheless, recommending means this is a discussion worth sharing. It gets shared to your followers’ Disqus feeds, and gives the creator kudos! When marijuana is a “gateway substance” why don’t we have 100 million heroin addicts? More than100 million Americans have used marijuana.
A well-known matter of fact that is. Simon — Well Hillary says, “There is too much bucks in it. For lex enforcement. For governance.
Mary — I have one of this kind of and love it. Now let me tell you something. In no circumstances, until that day, thanks.